Friday, January 16, 2009

In traffic...

Would you rather get stuck behind:

-- a Mexican in a work truck with a bunch of shit sticking out of the back?
-- an old Beverly Hills bitch in a Mercedes?
-- any Asian in a Kia?
-- forearm-tattooed OC douchebags cruising for chicks in a GMC Yukon?
-- a topless Hollywood tour van/bus/whatever?

Because I manage to get stuck behind all of these jagoffs on any given day.


Anonymous said...

You need to get that pix I took of the Mexican work truck of my MySpazz page and post at the beginning of your blog, son. Ha ha.

Anonymous said...

who is cargirl?

Jeff said...

Cargirl? Huh?

And no, not a topless Hollywood girl. A van or bus with no roof.

Jeff said...

Where did she comment?!

Jeff said...

Ahh, okay. I know who cargirl is. She's fucking naughty. ;)

smith101 said...

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