Saturday, November 1, 2008

LA would be a great city if...

-- you could reduce the population by 50%
-- shit was cheaper
-- you could execute anyone at will
-- parking wasn't such a bitch
-- pedestrians had no right of way
-- people were considerate

Until then, all it has going for it is the weather. Goddamn me for being so stubborn and knowing I have what it takes. Sometimes I hate myself.


Anonymous said...

It's not the greatest place in the world, that is certain. But I hear there are very few ticks in LA proper and that is a good thing.

Anonymous said...

LA is a great city. You want to try living in some of these places in England.

Anonymous said...

10:19 shut up you fag. Go fuck a dude in the ass... give someone else AIDS

Anonymous said...

People aren't born a homo... people CHOOSE to be a homo.

Anonymous said...

Oh, stop it you guys. Grow up.