Saturday, April 11, 2009

I am so poor...

... I take my shit to the dry cleaners just to get new hangers.

How poor are you?


Anonymous said...

Things could be worse. You could be homeless.

But just know this... you are fucking smart, how can you possibly be poor forever???

Mom said...

I agree with Anonymous. You have two degrees, go work for MySpace or something. You need a relaxed work environment where you can utilize your creativity.

Jeff said...

Drunken post, just to clarify.

Anonymous said...

I'm so poor that I have to choose between eating and weed. I choose weed.

Anonymous said...

Obviously you were drunk. We all know if you dropped your clothes at the dry cleaner, you couldn't afford to get them back out. Besides, wouldn't it be more "your style" to shoplift from Old Navy taking the hangers too?

Anonymous said...

I'm so poor that I gotta eat when I'm thirsty.

Anonymous said...

I'm so poor my dad had to cut a hole in my pocket, so I'd have something to play with...

Anonymous said...

youre too smart to be working at the shitty job you have now. like mom says, use those degrees!

ps- if you buy clothes at target they let you keep the hangers....

Mom said...

OK, last Anonymous, you don't need to be planting any seeds in my son's head. He needs to remain chaste (cough, cough).

Anonymous said...

post a new blog ffs

Anonymous said...

^ lol

Anonymous said...

I'm so poor I have to jerk off in Mcdonad's napkins...

Mom said...

He doesn't have to tell me anything. I can handle it you little twerp. If you could handle it, you would sign your real name.

Anonymous said...

Alright, easy Mom, didn't mean to unnerve you. I couldn't help but notice you were concerned that people were "planting seeds in your son's head." Your son has a whole garden that even a mom as cool as you, doesn't need to know about, that "little twerps" find rather entertaining.

Anonymous said...

when's the new shit comming...

Mom said...

If you noticed the "cough, cough" you would have realized I was joking about him remaining chaste. Anyway, as his mother, I do worry especially picking up STDs during his extracurricular activities. You do realize how dull this planet would be without my precious firstborn, don't you?